adress Impressum

Ingenieurbüro für Elektrotechnik 
Udo Schacher,  Dipl.- Ing. ( FH )
Alte Strasse 2a
D-77709 Oberwolfach

Phone: +49 (0)7834 / 868944 (ISDN)
Telefax: +49 (0)7834 / 868942

Schacher,  Dipl.- Ing. ( FH )




1. Contents of the On-line offer
The author does not take over any guarantee for the topicality, correctness, Completeness or quality of the made available information. Liability claims against the author, who itself on damage more materially or idealistic kind refer, those by the use or Nichtnutzung that dargebotenen information and/or. by the use more incorrectly and incomplete information were caused, are fundamental excluded, if on the part of the author no as can be prove deliberate or roughly negligent being to blame for is present.
All offers are not-binding and noncommittal. The author keeps it itself expressly forwards, parts of the sides or the entire offer without to change separate announcement to supplement to delete or those To adjust publication occasionally or finally.

2. References and left
With direct or indirect references to strange web page ("hyper+on the left of"), those outside of the area of responsibility of the Author lie, became exclusive an adhesion obligation in that To case enter into force, in that the author of contents to knowledge has and it it technically possible and reasonable would be, the use in the case to prevent illegal contents.
The author explains hereby expressly that at the time that Link setting no illegal contents on the sides which can be linked were recognizable. On the current and future organization, contents or the authority of the left sides has the author no influence. Therefore it dissociates itself hereby expressly from all contents of all linked /verknuepften sides, after that Link setting were changed. This statement applies to all within the own InterNet offer set left and references as well as for Foreign entries in guest books furnished by the author, Panels and mailing lists. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damage, from that Use or Nichtnutzung kind of such of dargebotener information develops, alone the offerer of the side, to which one referred, clings not that, that over left on the respective publication only refers.

3. Author and Characteristic right
The author is anxious, in all publications copyrights that used diagrams, clay/tone documents, to consider video sequences and texts from it provided diagrams, clay/tone documents, video sequences and texts to use or on license-free diagrams, clay/tone documents, video sequences and To fall back texts.
All within the InterNet offer specified and if necessary. by third protected Mark and registered trade marks are subject without reservation to the regulations of the valid in each case characteristic right and the possession rights of the respective registered owner. However due to the bare denomination is not to pull the conclusion that brand names not by rights third protected are!
The copyright for published, of the author provided objects remains alone with the author of the sides. A duplication or Use of such diagrams, clay/tone documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is without express Agreement of the author does not permit.

4. Data security
If within the InterNet offer the possibility for the input more personally or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) exists, thus takes place giving up these data on the part of the user on express freiwilliger basis. The recourse to and payment of all offered Services is - so far technically possible and reasonable - also without indication such data and/or. under indication of anonymizated data or an alias permitted. The use in the context of the imprint or more comparably Data published contact contacts such as postal addresses, telephone and Fax numbers as well as email addresses through third for the transmittal of not expressly requested information is not permitted. Legal one Steps against the senders of so-called Spam Mails with offences against this prohibition are expressly reserved.

5. Legal force of this Non-liability
This non-liability is as part of the InterNet offer too regard, from which to this side one referred. If parts or individual formulations of this text of the valid legal situation not, no more or not completely to correspond should, remain the remaining Parts of the document in their contents and their validity unaffected by it.

Pictures / Graphics: Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Udo Schacher

Note: For reasons that Legibility was selected in the text the male form, nontheless refer the data to member of both sexes.